Meet Jay from Hope Shelter

Yesterday, over 100 Russian missiles were fired across Ukraine, killing people and knocking out critical electricity, water and gas infrastructure.  Innocent men, women and children are continuing to flee with only the clothes on their backs and what they are able to carry.  While here in New England we are talking about when is the right date to turn on the heat, these folks are facing the winter months without a roof over their heads or a warm bed to sleep in. 

I keep learning new random things, for example, did you know that while Poland is a member state of the European Union, they have not yet joined the Euro area?  This means they still have their own currency called the Polish zloty.  No euros here.

This morning your donations allowed me to convert $2500 US dollars so that they could be sent to Hope Shelter to place an order for beds.  This is the equivalent of 10,746.48 Polish zloty.  That’s a big number, so it deceptively sounds like a lot but it’s only a small amount of what is needed to furnish this shelter.  Keep a look out, Jay, because more is on the way later today!

With large charities, come large overhead expenses.  This initiative has carried ZERO overhead costs.  None.  Nada.  Zilch.  Every dime that has been and will be donated is able to be used to assist in furnishing this overflow shelter.  You can trust that your donation is actually helping another human being who has just experienced the worst thing one could ever possibly conceive of encountering in their lifetime.  They have been displaced by war.  No bed, no pillow, no blanket – the most basic things I’ve come to take for granted, simply gone.

I’m so touched by the generosity I have received to my plea for you to help me help them.  Your emails and your words mean the world to me.  And your donations have warmed my heart and are making a direct and immediate impact.

Can you imagine if one day you woke up and your house was just blown up?  

I certainly cannot.

Will you help?  There are lots of ways to donate, but know that all monies no matter how they are received will be used for beds and mattresses and supplies for Hope Shelter.   To make your donations tax deductible, you can make them through Volunteer Housing Initiative.  You will have the opportunity to add a comment to tell them you want your funds to go toward this effort.  Or, you can donate directly to me via Venmo to @MtgMistress or by PayPal through this site.