Welcome to Your Ultimate Travel Guide and Adventure Companion

I’m Deb and the photo is a cartoon.  I’m thrilled to share my adventures and stories with you! 

First, let’s get to know each other!  I’ll start by telling you a bit about who I am and how my journey began.

I grew up just 30 minutes outside of Annapolis and graduated high school in the early 80s. Living in the Washington DC area, I was surrounded by government organizations and contractors. Every year they showed up at the high schools to recruit from the graduating class. I was one of these recruits. I accepted a job with a government contractor in a research and development lab near Baltimore. It was there that I met people from all over the world.  This melting pot of cultures sparked my curiosity and desire to explore.  I think back on those moments with a great deal of fondness and gratitude.

My curiosity began when a colleague from India shared that he was going home to marry someone he had never met. This was eye-opening for me. In fact, I’m certain my shocked look when he told me of his impending marriage was palpable. I was a 19-year-old from a catholic school who had only known people like myself for my entire life (so far!!)  It made me realize that the diverse and exciting stories I read about curled up in a chair as a pre-teen were true! There *were* countless ways of living life.

I spent 15 years with this company, but I learned so much more than how to excel professionally. I learned about different foods, cultures, architectures and lifestyles from my international colleagues.  My insatiable curiosity only grew stronger. 

And, yet, life happens that keeps the curiosity from experiencing the reality.  I married, had children, divorced and transitioned careers.  My divorce brought the need for childcare and in searching for an affordable option for a single mom with 3 children, I discovered a cultural exchange program.  This was childcare provided by an “AuPair.” An AuPair was a young person in their early 20s who came to the United States on a Cultural Exchange Visa (a J1 Visa). They provided childcare in exchange for room, board and a weekly stipend. This allowed me to introduce my family to the languages, traditions, food and cultures of Austria, Spain, Germany, Poland and Thailand. 

I enjoyed this program so much that I took a “side hustle” in a support role as a Local Care Counselor or “LCC” for the AuPair organization.  An LCC is basically a “mom in the US,” someone who assisted the AuPairs in my group by helping them acclimate and make connections, as well navigate bureaucracy or act as an ear when needed.

My first AuPair was from Austria and despite the language barrier, we formed a lasting bond. While my second experience with a girl from German was challenging and ended quickly, it led to meeting a wonderful young woman from Valencia, Spain who also became a lifelong friend. 

Did I mention that my time as an LCC also led to my son meeting his wife?  It did and they are now happily living in Salzburg with my grandson.

With my children grown, independent and with lives and families of their own, I’m now living my dream of exploring the world.  I’m passionate about discovering new places, cultures, and cuisines, but I also look for ways to save money and still have incredible experiences.   It’s all about the moments and I can’t wait to share them all with you!

I hope you’ll join me on this exciting journey. Let’s explore the world together, one adventure at a time!