Dear Family, Friends and Colleagues, 

Yes, this is one of those posts.  A post asking you to open your wallet and show some love. 

It’s February, 2022 and Russia just invaded Ukraine without provocation. Many people are displaced. In an instant, their homes – their lives – everything — simply gone. It has been so incredibly painful to watch. It’s 2022 – the world has made so much progress in so many areas, yet human beings are still killing each other for money and power. 

I have come to believe that who we are and who we can each become is not so much a product of hard work, as it is a product of luck and coincidence. All the hard work in the world means nothing if you can’t get out of your own way. Every one of us could have been born in a war torn country or to parents without means. As I look back over my own life, I would be blind if I could not see how lucky I have been because of the things I haven’t endured. 

In mid-November I will be traveling to Przemysl, Poland, a town approximately 12 kilometers from the border with Ukraine where I will spend 8 days working at an overflow refugee camp. With the financial and emotional support of my family, including my long-time love and partner and my children, I have been given an amazing opportunity during Thanksgiving week to pour myself into helping others who by coincidence and the luck of the draw are left without the most basic of needs. 

I am told that the most pressing need is for beds and mattresses for the tired, cold, hungry and now homeless men, women and children who continue to arrive on a daily basis. Will you help me help Hope Shelter provide them with a warm place to sleep before they continue their journey into an unknown future? 

You can send your donation to me either by Venmo to @MtgMistress or through Jim Purtell’s nonprofit The Volunteer Housing Initiative.  Either way, all funds will be used to purchase as many beds and mattresses upon my arrival in Poland as your donations allow. 

Your tax deductible donations can be sent to me through the Volunteer Housing Initiative. In the comments section, simply note your desire that your donation be used for Beds & Mattresses at Hope Shelter. For additional ways of donating, send me a private message.

A special thank you goes out to Jim Purtell, who is both an amazing human and the founder of The Volunteer Housing Initiative.  Jim gave me the example and courage I needed to make this trip. 

Thanking you in advance, 

Deb Frank 
