Jay of Hope Foundation planned a traditional American Thanksgiving in an open space he was permitted to use by a neighboring restaurant.  In addition to any residents who were staying at the Shelter on Thursday, he invited volunteers from organizations who specialize in different types of aide.  One organization brought turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy.  Others brought various desserts.  Others brought soft drinks or sides.  One of the shelter volunteers turned some Uncle Ben’s into something pretty amazing and one of the shelter residents made a large pot of borscht.

There are so many organizations represented who all focus on something different.  After Jay explained the holiday to the non-Americans in attendance, he thanked everyone for everything they do each day and invited them to celebrate each other and everything they give of themselves in spite of the challenges that exist.  He thanked them for stepping up.  He then gave others the opportunity to do the same.  

There were nearly 100 people sitting around a long table enjoying a meal, coffee and dessert.  Because many volunteers are only permitted to stay for 90 days at a time without a special Visa, there were a lot of introductions happening.  Someone connected a portable speaker to their Spotify playlist and people started to dance until a game of Twister broke out.  

So many countries were represented at the table.  Everyone who was there was doing their best and giving their all at whatever it was that they were doing.  Many live in volunteer communal housing, some live in hostels and others live in a tent or a rented garage without heat.  Everyone was smiling and happy.  Everyone there knew what it meant to be thankful, because they have chosen to live the long days and hard work of a volunteer.  It wasn’t a choice thrust upon them by a missile or a gun.  All of them seem to have one thing in common – at some point they considered the very meaning of life — and of death.  At some point they decided that the big job with the big salary or the big house meant nothing if one day a missile hit their own home.

We celebrated being together.  We got to know people from other places.  We celebrated the progress made at the shelter and for the other volunteers’ initiatives.  We celebrated being thankful.  We celebrated life.  

I hope that you did the same.

On Thanksgiving Day in America I am asking you to help me continue to help.  What we are doing here has a direct and immediate life saving impact.  That means food, water, warm clothes to prevent freezing to death – truly the most very basic needs we all have as human beings. 

There are lots of ways to donate, but know that all monies no matter how they are received will be used for beds and mattresses and other supplies – including a new sink I purchased yesterday and electrical equipment to allow more more cooking area at the Hope Organization’s Shelter.   To make your donations tax deductible, you can make them through Volunteer Housing Initiative.  You will have the opportunity to add a comment to tell them you want your funds to go toward this effort.  

Or, you can donate directly to me via Venmo to @MtgMistress or by PayPal through this site.