Dave is part of a network of volunteers who assist in providing direct aid to vulnerable populations in Ukraine.  You can learn more about this organization that began out of a car and a need on their Facebook page

I met Dave randomly through my new friend Jay after he posted that he was looking for someone from New York who may be flying over, hoping they may be able to bring some supplies.  I responded to him that I was coming from Boston in November and perhaps I could help.  After a brief introduction and a little back and forth about who knows who – Dave said “Awww, you know Uncle Jim,” referring to Jim Purtell of the Volunteer Housing InitiativeUncle Jim.  I like it. 

This seemed like a no-brainer.  With a bit of coordination, I should be able to bring a couple of checked bags with water filters and some of the other items Dave’s group needs to assist the troops he is supporting on the front lines.  It’s almost too much to process.  It’s like an underground railroad of sorts, funneling supplies to a place far far away.

Ukraine was on my bucket list long before this war began.  I asked Dave if it were possible to go into Ukraine – if, perhaps, he might take me on a run with him.  He tells me there are safe zones where there are orphanages and elder care homes.  He’ll take me along and I’ll be safe.  I wonder if I’ll get a stamp on my Passport?  Or if the border is now just an illusion?  From where I sit today, in the warmth and safety of my home office – I want to see all of it.  When I get there, my courage may not exist in quite the same way.  Only time will tell. 

Another amazing human being I am looking forward to meeting in person in the coming weeks.

Will you help me help?  There are lots of ways to donate, but know that all monies no matter how they are received will be used for beds and mattresses and supplies for the Hope Shelter.  Your donations can be tax deductible if you make them through Volunteer Housing Initiative.  You will have the opportunity to add a comment to tell them you want your funds to go toward this effort.  Or, you can donate directly to me via Venmo to @MtgMistress or by PayPal through this site.